Youre Homemade Liquor Is Exploding Again

Episode: 4F15
Get-go Aired: 3/16/1997

"Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" is the eighteenth episode of the eight season of The Simpsons. After Bart becomes intoxicated at the annual St. Patrick's Day parade, Springfield enforces a Prohibition-era law. Every bit a result, Homer and his friends open a speakeasy while a no-nonsense Elliot Ness-style lawman sets out to finish them.

Plot Summary

It's St. Patrick's Day and everybody in Springfield is hyped up to the bespeak Bart is harassed for having forgotten to wear green to school and Moe bars designated drivers from patronizing his tavern. The day's master event is of course the downtown parade, with floats celebrating "200 years of Irish gaelic policemen" (who do not hesitate to guild onlookers), the "drunken poets of Republic of ireland" (who fight whoever they find) and a "small Irish family" (a woman scolds her drunken hubby while their ten or so children run around). Meanwhile, drunken revelers harass Kent Brockman in his dissemination booth and the crowd cheers when a British "bit shop" suddenly blows up.

Trying to become a amend view, Bart decides to make his way through the crowd unaware that a Duff truck about is to spray beer on the expectant revelers and the whole thing ends up on Bart's long horn, inebriating him instantly. He is soon defenseless tipsily strolling forth the parade, with the debauched celebration turning to outrage, with Brockman suggesting Prohibition as a measure. Homer scoffs at the idea, but the town'due south Moral Guardians, led by Helen Lovejoy and Maude Flanders, press Mayor Quimby to declare Springfield dry out. The man at the registry so uncovers two 200-year-one-time laws: one virtually ducks having to wear long breeches, and another declaring alcohol prohibition in Springfield, which was apparently still in force. The news atomic number 82 the town's boozehounds to pass out.

H.K. Duff Vii, of Duff breweries, tries to comfort the public by announcing a non-alcoholic version of the popular beer, simply goes out of business just a one-half-hr later. Meanwhile, Moe's is still operating as if nothing, as well earning new clientele and the Mafia smuggles beer into boondocks unpunished equally the SPD is hands bribed, actually wondering why mobsters take a bad reputation. At night, Mrs. Lovejoy's entourage finds Main Wiggum drunkenly dancing at the tavern and then forces Quimby to look for federal aid (partly because the mayoral elections are incoming), with Treasury amanuensis Rex Banner beingness selected to enforce prohibition, cleaning up the SPD and firing Wiggum on the spot.

Equally all accesses to Springfield are blocked out, Homer sees an opportunity to get a bootlegger by retrieving the town's buried beer supply, which he hides on bowling balls which are sent to Moe'southward via the Bowl-A-Rama. Marge soon finds out what Homer and Bart accept been up to and... is actually supporting of their deeds, much to Lisa'due south chagrin, being sent to bed when lament about breaching a law that might be unpopular, simply it'southward withal the law. Rumors arise about a "Beer Baron" baffling Banner, who vows to become him to justice and deems the very idea of a bootlegger operating under his jurisdiction to exist laughable, even though he struggles to even make a slight chuckle.

Every bit the beer supply runs out, Homer resorts to homebrewing liquor for Moe's Tav... er, Pet Store. But this attempt proves brusk-lived every bit the stills proceed exploding and Marge asks him to finish. While Imprint keeps on searching for the Baron, Homer finds a hungry Wiggum trying to hold him up... but his gun has no cannon equally he had to sell it to feed his family unit. Noticing his desperate situation, Homer offers to plow himself in and so Wiggum could get his old job back... unaware that the punishment for violating the police force of prohibition is being catapulted. When Marge protests such a form of penalization, Imprint goes into a rant about why laws must be upheld, including the fact he'd impale everybody if it were non for the law. He then ends upwards flung by the catapult by "accident"... on Wiggum's orders. And but before Homer's execution takes place, the registry clerk finds out the 200-year-old prohibition police force had really been repealed for 199 years. Homer is then exonerated and vows to bring back alcohol at once, proclaiming it to be both the cause of and solution to all of life's bug.

"Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" contains examples of:

  • Accidental Debauchee: When the anti-alcohol ladies' group catch a drunk Main Wiggum dancing with Princess Kashmir in Moe'southward tavern, Wiggum attempts to save confront and "requite them the erstwhile Wiggum amuse." Just as he struts up to the group, grin, Helen Lovejoy screams, "Pervert!" thinking that he was going to sexually molest her.

    Wiggum: Oh boy. That sounded bad.

  • Added Alliterative Appeal: The paper headlines "Beer Businesswoman Beats Banner" and "Imprint Bars Booze (Booze Barred By Banner)".
  • Anachronism Stew: Imprint is first seen stepping out of a Treasury Department building. The Treasury doesn't handle illegal booze production anymore; that bureau got absorbed into the Justice Section in 1930 and became the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). It's probably just another joke referencing Eliot Ness, and in any case a modern-day American town practicing Prohibition and having jazzy speakeasies is pretty anachronistic anyhow.
  • Art Imitates Fine art: The shot of the diner quotes Edward Hopper's Nighthawks painting.
  • Asshole Victim: Rex Imprint gets launched past the catapult after testing it past launching a cat and maxim that the only thing stopping him from condign a spree killer is the fact that the law forbids him. The only reaction everybody has to him existence flung by the catapult (under Wiggum'south orders) is Quimby saying a puzzled "Well, that was unexpected."
  • Bad People Corruption Animals: Already a Rabid Cop who casually admits he'd kill anyone who looked at him funny, Male monarch Banner has no qualms nigh testing the catapult with an actual cat. The poor creature ends up launched into the horizon.
  • Bulwark-Busting Blow: On the same scene where Imprint says that he'southward starting to suspect that a booze baron exists, Imprint notices that Barney is standing by the window blackout drunk and mocking him. Banner's response is to punch right through the window to grab a hold of Barney'south shirt and interrogate him.
  • Behind the Blackness: After returning from a Beer Baron run, Homer briefly considers checking to run across if the coast is clear earlier taking his wheelbarrow inside... and running into Marge, who'due south continuing right in front of him.
  • Black-and-Gray Morality: At that place's nothing noble about Homer's bootlegging—even taking the prohibition law as unjust, he's not and then much fighting it as using information technology for his ain profit (his justification to Marge is "it fabricated the states money"), not to mention the beer he's selling was basically stolen from the trash. Homer merely really remains sympathetic considering the man sent afterwards him is a complete psychopath and the town wants to execute him for a very pocket-size criminal offence.
  • Black Comedy Outburst: During the St. Patrick's Day celebration, an English pub suddenly explodes, which is heavily unsaid to be an attack by Irish nationalists. Cue everyone cheering.
  • Breathy Lies:
    • After escaping Banner, Homer insists to Marge that nix happened to the car, despite the obvious harm to information technology.

      Marge: What happened to you lot, Homer? And what accept you done to the auto?
      Homer: Nothin'.
      Marge: I don't think information technology had broken axles before.
      Homer: Before! Earlier! You're livin' in the past, Marge. Quit livin' in the past.

    • Subverted in the side by side scene when Marge asks why he has and so many bowling balls. He simply does not answer.

      Homer: I'm not gonna prevarication to you, Marge. So long. [Leaves]

    • When the tub booze starts exploding similar crazy, Homer keeps proverb that the explosions that are rocking the house to its foundations are his farts. Information technology takes an explosion setting him on fire and Marge calling him out for him to admit it.
  • Break Out the Museum Slice: The Springfield Police pulls out a catapult from the museum at the climax to enforce the "exile by catapult" part of the 200-year-old police force. A cat and Banner both end up being tossed by it.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: The plot gets kicked off past Bart accidentally ingesting a truckload of booze fired from a Duff parade float and getting drunk. In five seconds. You could justify it by the fact that he's a kid, then he doesn't accept any feel with the stuff, and his dad's a noted alcoholic, but even then, he probably only would've been boozer in a few minutes, not seconds.
  • Catapult to Glory: The catapult is the method of punishment for breaking Springfield'south (obviously outdated) prohibition law.
  • Chase Scene: Homer and Bart are chased by the police (with Banner himself trying to shoot them) later they unbury the Duff beer barrels, forcing Homer to drive through a graveyard to lose them.
  • Chekhov'south Gag: The penalty via existence flung out of a catapult is mentioned when the law is read aloud before in the pic. By the time it's reiterated by the clerk (during the Gilligan Cut to Homer being readied to be flung out of it afterward beingness arrested), the episode spends approximately twenty minutes dealing with all of the craziness of the prohibition and Homer's booze baron antics and it's probably been forgotten past the audience.
  • The Comically Serious: Rex Banner. For instance, wait at him on his birthday and his disability to express mirth naturally.
  • Burrow Gag: The couch sits in the heart of a desert; and the family, in western attire, sit on the couch, which gallops into the sunset.
  • Designated Driver: Moe tells all the arriving patrons that, since information technology'due south St. Patrick'southward Twenty-four hour period, it's going to exist the biggest drinking 24-hour interval of the year. Moe then asks for the designated drivers to place themselves, so tells them, "Beat it. I got no time for cheapskates."
  • Deus ex Machina: At the exact moment earlier Homer is to be exiled (or probably executed) by catapult, the clerk that discovered the aboriginal prohibition law finally notices it was repealed one year later on, meaning Homer never broke whatsoever law.
  • Didn't Think This Through: The Duff Brewery Head honestly believed that people would similar beer for a reason as well its alcohol content, and invested time and coin in a non-alcoholic beer based on this idea alone. How wrong he was...
  • Exercise Incorrect, Right: Marge is impressed with Homer for running such a successful operation with less of his characteristic stupidity than usual.
  • Dry out Crusader: A prohibition movement is started after Bart is caught drunk on camera during the St. Patrick's Day parade. Soon after, it's discovered that booze has actually banned in Springfield for over two centures, but has never been enforced, and the government agrees to the ban. At the end of the episode, information technology'due south discovered that the prohibition law was repealed only a year later, and everything returns to normal.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: When Lisa objects to Homer making alcohol after running out of information technology from Duff's dumped barrels, Homer makes the bespeak that the law he's fighting against is unjust. Considering the only citizens who called for it were Helen Lovejoy, Maude Flanders, and their Moral Guardian posse, the law but happened to be written on the town lease only never enforced, and those opposed to the idea never got a chance to accept their say or vote on it, he'due south not incorrect.
  • Ballsy Fail: Duff Brewery'due south effort to sell non-alcoholic beer in Springfield just can't be classified with whatever other term: the company shuts down one-half an hour subsequently the press briefing.
  • Establishing Graphic symbol Moment: Male monarch Banner'southward first scenes later on obtaining his telegraph show how vicious he is. He literally kicks Principal Wiggum out of his seat to take his task, and causes a major (and obviously fatal) blow on a highway for the sake of keeping alcohol out of the city.
  • Anybody Has Standards: Springfield wholly embraces getting drunk off their ass on St. Patrick'due south Day, with Apu even telling everyone to become naked. But as soon as attention is drawn to Bart being drunk, every single developed acts horrified.
  • Verbal Words:
    • When Marge confronts Homer about the bowling balls (which are hollowed to smuggle beer), Homer's response is "I'm not gonna prevarication to you, Marge." He then proceeds to bulldoze off without maxim anything.
    • The dry police force'south penalty is "exile past catapult". Much to Homer'south distress, that means that Springfield volition pull out a 200-twelvemonth-onetime catapult from the museum to enforce it.
  • Expy: Rex Banner is a clear spoof of Elliot Ness of The Untouchables (specifically the Robert Stack version, who was The Stoic).
  • Fartillery: Homer'due south Blatant Lies about what is causing the business firm-rocking explosions are that it's his farting, rather than admitting that he mixed upwardly the bathtub brews incorrectly. Marge finally calls bullshit when the explosions continue well into the night and they're lying side by side in bed.
  • Failed a Spot Check:
    • Banner, and the police he'southward got with him, don't observe at all that the customers of Moe's are holding beer glasses filled with beer, even when they have them in total view (bear in mind, this case mentioned as an example is the second time that Moe'southward speakeasy is raided during the episode — the first time, done by the Anti-Liquor League ladies, was actually successful and established Wiggum equally incompetent and dingy). Later, Banner is getting a agree of random people on the street and asking them if they're the booze baron but fails to notice that Bart and Homer are on the aforementioned sidewalk wheeling a railroad vehicle total of ingredients for liquor product.
    • The clerk who unveiled the old Prohibition law didn't noticed that there was a note on the manuscript that explicitly said information technology had been repealed i year after it was passed because the newspaper was rolled.
  • Felony Misdemeanor: Springfield's dry law says that people defenseless smuggling booze are to be exiled from town ... past being tossed with a catapult and having nothing to catch them.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Inside Moe's Tavern on St. Patrick's Day, correct next to the large, standard "Osculation Me, I'm Irish" banner is a smaller "Assistance Wanted: No Irish Need Utilize" sign.
  • Gasshole: When the stills for his bootleg liquor kickoff exploding, Homer tries to laissez passer it off as him being gassy from eating beans for dinner. Marge doesn't purchase information technology.
  • Genre Refugee: Rex Banner. He is an blithe copycat of Elliot Ness as portrayed past Robert Stack in The Untouchables' TV series and an exaggeration of Ness' Hays Code-era stoicism and righteous mentality, and that alone makes him stand out in a cartoonishly corrupt nuthouse like Springfield.
  • Gilligan Cut:
    • The head of Duff Brewery, under the belief his customers like beer for its flavour and not for its alcohol, announced Duff Nothing. Cut to thirty minutes later, the brewery was out of concern.
    • When asked what'd happen to him, Homer said he'd probably be only fined. Cutting to the town ready to requite him expiry by catapult.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Considering he'south the only 1 who can supply it, somewhen Homer is overtaxed with liquor requests and later on he runs out of the barrels of liquor left by Duff Brewery's closing and getting too proud of the homemade liquor he'd made, he starts experimenting with the recipes, and of a sudden the firm is rocked with explosions around the clock.
  • Become to Your Room!: When Marge and Lisa finds out Homer's beer smuggling, the erstwhile is very impressed that Homer is using his own intellect for once and raising coin for the family. When Marge says the prohibition was a dumb constabulary, Lisa says it's withal a law and was about to provide some additional speechifying when Homer, Marge, and Bart interrupt her to send her to her room.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Implied with Imprint. During his spoken language about the necessity to maintain law regardless of public stance, he says that if there were no laws, he would kill anybody who "looked at [him] cock-eyed."
  • Hidden Depths: Homer manages to mash more forty different beverages in the basement.
  • Homage: Multiple details from the episode from the moment the law is enabled and Banner arrives (such as the Walter Winchell "newsreel"-style narrator) is an obvious aping of the Tv set series of The Untouchables.
  • Honour Before Reason: Lisa is the only character also Banner to support the notwithstanding-on-the-books (if outdated) anti-booze laws, as she calls her family out on the smuggling (and supporting). She'south grounded as a event.
  • I Shall Taunt You: A funny case here, when Rex vows to go the Beer Baron. Homer taunts him from a very far distance.

    Rex Banner: You lot're out at that place somewhere, Beer Baron, and I'll find you!

    Homer: *shouts offscreen* No you won't!

    Male monarch Banner: Aye, I will.

    Homer: Won't!

  • If I Practice Not Render: Homer starts telling Marge, "If we're non dorsum, avenge our deaths" when he and Bart get out to deliver their brew. Marge agrees to exercise so.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • Obnoxious as they were, the anti-alcohol ladies' group were right that the St. Patrick's Day parade was celebrating grotesque levels of alcoholism, which got a x-year-old boy drunk when someone fired alcohol into the oversupply. They're too right that Wiggum was brazenly non enforcing the prohibition law (a law anybody thought at the time was in effect) by getting drunkard at a speakeasy.
    • Banner is a completely absurd Rabid Cop, simply he rose a quite valid indicate with his voice communication against ignoring a law simply because it's not liked—and so makes himself expect fifty-fifty worse by saying that he would exist killing anybody who was looking at him funny if there weren't laws in place to prevent that.
  • Karma Houdini: The police are able to catapult a cat and Rex Banner in front end of a large grouping of people and nothing happens except the mayor saying that was unexpected.
  • Karmic Death: Rex Banner gets flung past the same catapult he'd merely tested by flinging a cat.
  • Kent Brockman News: Averted. Kent Brockman is disgusted by anybody'south behavior during the St. Patrick'south Day parade.
  • Kick the Canis familiaris:
    • In Imprint's Establishing Character Moment, he bricks up a road and causes multiple cars to crash. He smiles at the carnage.
    • Later, Imprint has a kick the dog moment of sorts; he decides that earlier using a catapult to fire Homer out of boondocks for breaking the police force, he's going to examination it on a harmless cat. This is probably to set it up so that you don't feel very sorry for him when he gets launched from the catapult a minute later.
  • Knight Templar: As the road blockage shows, Banner is willing to kill innocent people if it means stopping alcohol from getting into Springfield.
  • Lawful Stupid:
    • Male monarch Banner is also inept to realize Homer is the Beer Baron he's been hunting down. He besides creates fatal countermeasures against alcohol smugglers, but is totally uninterested in Fatty Tony'due south heroin smuggling ring, presumably since he'south not in Springfield to enforce the ban on that.
    • Lisa makes articulate that she supports the law even when her whole family have besides made it articulate merely seconds before that they are against information technology, which obviously gets her sent to her room.
  • Legitimate Businessmen'south Social Gild: Moe fronts his speakeasy as Moe'due south Pet Shop. Yet, the fact that it plays jazz music at 1:00AM and attracts a certain partygoing clientele make its true purpose blatantly obvious. Even more stupid of Banner, he had already raided the same place before in the episode when he took over Wiggum and he should take at least harbored a stronger suspicion than he showed.

    Imprint: What kind of pet shop is filled with rambunctious yahoos and hot jazz music at ane:00AM?

    Moe: Um, the best damn pet shop in boondocks.

    [Crowd cheers]

  • Loony Laws: A prohibition police force in and of itself isn't "loony". That the sentence for being caught breaking it is to be exiled from the town by way of being launched out of a catapult is.
  • The Lopsided Arm of the Law: Imprint pursues the Beer Baron with excessively violent measures toward suspects and civilians, but doesn't intendance at all about other crimes—when Fatty Tony says he'll terminate bootlegging but keep selling heroin, Banner insists that he does.
  • Made of Explodium: Eventually Homer gets besides greedy with the Businesswoman business and starts experimenting with the tub-fabricated boozes, making them all explode constantly. Part of the reason he agrees to the plan to let Wiggum abort him is because Marge gets tired of all the ruckus.
  • Meaningful Name: King Banner, who does a slightly better task at keeping Springfield dry than Wiggum.
  • Moral Guardians: The anti-alcohol ladies' group, once again.
  • Movement Forth, Naught to Meet Here: A parade float honoring Irish gaelic law is escorted past several of them, all saying things along the lines of this trope.
  • Nice Hat: While at the acme of his Beer Baron scheme, Homer gets a fancy lid. And information technology is lampshaped.

    Narrator: The elusive beer baron continues to thumb his nose at the authorities. Swaggering about in a garish new hat, he seemed to say, "Look at me, Rex Banner! I have a new hat!"

  • "Nighthawks" Shot: The opening of the scene where Banner and his administration are at the diner (on Banner's birthday) is framed like this.
  • No Expert Human activity Goes Unpunished: Homer's attempts to make booze well-nigh blow upwards his firm, and when he sees Wiggum is struggling to feed his family, he decides to quit selling beer and turn himself in then Wiggum can go his job back. Too bad the deed leads to Homer being sentenced to getting sent out of town on a catapult.
  • No Sense of Humor: King Banner never laughs. When he tries to practice so (due to him finding the idea of a beer baron operating under his nose without getting defenseless "laughable"), he fails miserably.
  • Non-Answer: When Marge confronts Homer of bringing then many bowling balls (which are hollowed to smuggle beer) to bowling.

    Marge: Why practice you take so many bowling balls?

    Homer: I'm not gonna lie to you, Marge. So long! [Gets in his car and drives off]

  • Not Hyperbole: The law is mentioned at the very beginning when it's revealed to accept an "exile by catapult" penalty. As in, the people of Springfield will pull out a catapult from the museum, load people into information technology, and launch them with null concern about whether they will country safely.
  • Officer O'Hara: Springfield's St. Patrick's Day parade features a float honoring "2000 Years of Irish gaelic Cops."
  • Off-Model: When the anti-booze ladies' grouping catch Moe's bar, we cut to a very bizarrely animated shot of Wiggum and Princess Kashmir dancing. Fifty-fifty the creative team themselves were baffled by this scene when they rewatched information technology in the DVD commentary.
  • Oh, Crap!: At the kickoff, Bart ridicules Lisa for wearing light-green, saying she looks stupid. When they enter, everyone (even the teachers) are wearing green and looking at Bart who's the only one in his usual clothes on St. Patrick's Day.

    Bart: Uh oh.

  • Simply Sane Homo: Kent Brockman, of all people, is appalled by the excess drinking and violence that occurs during the St. Patrick'southward Day parade and distances himself from it.
  • Outside-Genre Foe: Rex Banner, who is sent to Springfield to enforce the dry law. Played for Laughs as he's an animated copycat of Elliot Ness and someone who definitely would have done a better job at keeping police and order during the time of the Hays Code (where he would have been handed victory simply because he's a lawman) than on the mod (and incompetent) Wretched Hive that is Springfield.
  • Pet the Dog: Homer allowing himself to be arrested so that Wiggum will get his job back.
  • Police Are Useless: Rex Banner takes over the police force department from the hopelessly ineffective Wiggum and orders the other officers to: "Go a haircut!" "Get those shoes shined!" and "Take that badge out of your mouth!" Even the Federal Agent wasn't immune to the trope. He was then focused on enforcing the dry out police he didn't listen Fat Tony dealing drugs. And he ignored Homer walking adjacent to him with beer ingredients while interrogating an innocent Comic Book Guy (shortly later arresting Ned Flanders considering "he sounds drunk"). And at the end of the episode he claims that the police force is the just matter stopping him from killing everyone who looked at him "cock-eyed".
  • Police Brutality:
    • The Irish cop float was surrounded past Irish policemen who clubbed parade viewers while maxim Motion Forth, Zero to See Here.
    • Rex Imprint makes it articulate he'due south running on old-schoolhouse police force rules by violently shaking or slapping pretty much everybody he gets his hands on and his simply complaint about the use of a catapult is that information technology has not been used in 2 hundred years and thus needs to be tested to ensure information technology's however functional.
  • Rabid Cop: Banner. The man makes information technology pretty articulate on his big rant at the finish that he would proceed a killing spree if the law allowed him to do then (and the closest nosotros see to him beingness actually happy is when he causes a multiple-car pile-up for the sake of maintaining prohibition). Even then, he goes around boot people off chairs, slapping them, shaking them hard, grabbing them by the shirt (hell, he gets the knowledge that a booze baron exists by noticing that Barney is drunkard and punching right through a window to get a concur on him to interrogate him) and generally acting as violently as a cop could become away with in a flick fabricated during The Hays Code era.
  • Recycled Animation: The riot at the get-go of the episode was taken from footage from the finish of "Lisa on Ice" and updated.
  • Revive the Ancient Custom: Springfield brings back a 200-year-former police force banning booze in Springfield in response to Bart accidentally getting drunkard at the St. Patrick's Day parade.
  • Right for the Incorrect Reasons: Homer at one point proclaims that prohibition is doomed to neglect because "they tried that in the movies, and it didn't piece of work."
  • Rule of Iii: When the prohibition law is announced, we encounter Homer passed out on the floor. Then Moe, Barney, and the other regulars at Moe's Tavern passed out. Then Dr. Hibbert laughing as he sees it in the newspaper... only to realize his wife has passed out.
  • Spiral the Coin, I Have Rules!: Rex Banner doesn't accept bribes, to his credit.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: The 200-yr-old constabulary banning alcohol in Springfield had been repealed the following year.
  • Shout-Out: Comic Book Guy references Superman.

    Imprint: Are yous the Beer Baron?

  • Skewed Priorities: Banner shuts downwards Fatty Tony's performance immediately.

    Fat Tony: Okay, you win. From now on, we'll stick to smuggling heroin.

    Banner: Come across that y'all do.

  • Smart Ball: Homer manages to run circles around King Imprint via a genuinely clever bowling ball scheme and never actually gets caught. Lampshaded by Marge.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Trying to evade Rex Imprint had to have some serious planning for Homer and Bart. Marge actually shows pride at Homer's skill when he explains his scheme to her.
  • Soapbox Sadie: Lisa, once again, gets a big moment when she points out that even if the prohibition law is impaired (so dumb that Marge praises Homer for becoming a alcohol baron) it still is the law nevertheless and it needs to exist obeyed ... and she is given a Large "SHUT Upwardly!" mid-speech by her brother and parents yelling at her to go to her room.
  • St. Patrick's Day Episode: The episode opens on St. Patrick'south Day, with Bart accidentally getting drunk during the parade kicking off the principal plot (and its original airdate was the solar day before).
  • Stopped Reading Besides Before long: A 200-yr-sometime law banning booze is discovered in the Springfield Lease. Information technology took until the very end of the episode to discover that it was repealed 199 years agone.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome:
    • Duff Nix goes over like a physical zeppelin considering the drinkers of Springfield do like its alcohol content.
    • Prohibiting alcohol didn't brand people cease wanting to drink it. Homer himself scoffs at the proposal ("They tried that in the movies, and it didn't work"), so he's also Right for the Incorrect Reasons about information technology.
    • Main Wiggum getting fired from his job is more than earned given his actions in this and previous episodes. But every bit the episode reminds u.s.a. he does still have a family unit to support and is struggling to exercise so without a job.
  • Take That!: The head of Duff Brewery, under the belief his customers similar beer for its flavor and not for its alcohol, announced a non-alcoholic Duff Cipher. Cut to 30 minutes after, the brewery was out of business.
  • A Tankard of Moose Urine: Alcohol is banned in Springfield, and the non-alcoholic Duff Zero is an immediate failure.
  • Remember of the Children!: Since Helen Lovejoy is part of the anti-booze ladies' group, information technology'southward only natural that she say her Catchphrase at ane point.
  • To Exist Lawful or Good: Lisa thinks people should nonetheless follow the prohibition law, fifty-fifty if information technology's unpopular.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom:
    • Most of the episode'southward plot happens because a clerk unveils an old Prohibition law and never bothered to read the whole parchment and learn the law was no longer in upshot. It would exist a miracle if he managed to retain his job later making such a horrible corrigendum. Of course, this is Springfield we're talking about.
    • The prohibition itself would virtually certainly not have occurred, had the Duff float not been firing out beer into a crowd, non considering the fact that underage people were effectually, or the illegality of the act itself.
  • Versus Title: A local dry law, which Homer becomes a Beer Businesswoman to fight, stands in for the titular amendment.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The Springfield anti-alcohol ladies' group that forced the application of the outdated prohibition law in the beginning identify disappears afterwards Rex Banner is hired to head the police force. As a matter of fact, Moe's speakeasy is raided past them before in the episode earlier Banner arrives and information technology seems they never mentioned that it was a speakeasy to Imprint — otherwise, he would have probably been more driven to cheque the place out).
  • Whole Plot Reference: The Prohibition Era of The Roaring '20s and The Untouchables.
  • World Limited to the Plot: There's never any reason given why the alcoholics of Springfield can't just bulldoze to some other town when they want to get drunk.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Rex Banner acts like he'south in 1920s Chicago rather than Springfield.


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